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Monday, 5 December 2011

Episode 3:Friends and Rivals (Part 9)

On the north Star Hill Road,the situation are different than Aaron and Axe on the south.Razo and Kamal patrolling that area and no any criminals or gangsters appeared until they had an unusual state of affairs.Two unknown person who came from nowhere standing right in front of them.Kamal looks afraid of them so he standing behind Razo.A person wears blue coat with hood and dark blue jean wanted to say something.That person wated to challage Razo fight with his double scythes.Razo also wanted to know his name and what the purpose to fight him.That person said his name was Dante and he wants to determine who is the greatest fighter.He starts his fight stance with his double scythes in fighting position.The other person standing behind Dante is Vincent,the tough guy summoning his ultimate scythe to guard Dante's fight from any interference.Many people watching the fight.At first,Razo don't want to fight him because its against the law.But,he don't have any choice because Vincent might will kill someone if he not heeding Dante's request.Razo pulled out his pedaris and ready to fight.Razo's arm bursting  out blue flame to pedaris Tuah.After a few seconds they eyecounter,the fight begins.Razo makes his rapid dash and swings his pedaris from back to forward.Dante keeps blocking Razo's attack several times until Razo's attack are strucked when Dante paralysed his attack using his left scythe.He swings his right arm to hit Razo using right scythe.Then,an energetic dark purple flame comes out and he make Gou Shoryuken.That technique makes a hard punch on Razo's chest.Razo fell down and his pedaris rolled away near to him.Dante looks arrogant when he change his stance position.Razo gets up and starts new stance position.Dante transport himself to in front of Razo using translocation.At the right time Razo react,Dante makes a Gou hadouken on the air with massive fire balls.Razo keeps evading and defending with his pedaris .And then,the best part comes in.Razo whips his pedaris to form Rapid Struck and hitted Dante.Before Dante reached to the ground,Razo ran towards him and do combination of pyrokinetic and flywheel kick.

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